Nonprofit WHOlives ‘fueling’ the end of FGM in southwest Kenya

Nonprofit WHOlives ‘fueling’ the end of FGM in southwest Kenya

The organization started by asking police in Migori County what they needed to protect young women. Fulfilling one simple request has sparked a wave of arrests and convictions. Officers needed gas for their cars to investigate more of these crimes. Fuel donations, supplies for safe spaces and other no-nonsense strategies are on track to making 2022 “The Last Cut.”

‘WHOlives assisted the police greatly’ in fight to end FGM, Kenyan police commander says

‘WHOlives assisted the police greatly’ in fight to end FGM, Kenyan police commander says

WHOlives has been working with police in Kuria, which is in southwest Kenya, to end child marriages and female genital mutilation (FGM). We asked Patrick Njoroge, the police commander for Kuria East, about how the horrible practice of FGM is impacting families. He told us what he’s seeing and how WHOlives is helping by creating safe spaces and donating fuel for police cars so that officers can investigate more cases.

Water Wednesdays April 19, 2023

The Village Drill is the global leader of manual borehole drilling Here is why the Village Drill is a BIG DEAL – testimonial from Eric Ware, Kooloo Village, Kenya   Our February Impact Mission members participated in a ribbon cutting for the new well at...