Mary, 6 years old collects water from this temporary source that her community members improvised. This water comes from the surface and is contaminated. Mary gets sick often with stomach pain ad cough due to the bad quality water.
Bukamba is a rural village found in Nazigo subcounty, Kayunga District. It located about 7 kms away from the main road and the nearest town town of Nazigo. It has 1550 households with about 1200 people. On average people have sanitary facilities in their homesteads but lack a safe water source.
The villagers here are subsistence farmers, and some are wage earners through providing casual labor.
Bukamba village has no water source that is safe or protected. People rely on run-off water from a stream or walking more than 5km to a borehole in a neighboring village.
Like any other rural village under a central government, it is the role of the local government to mobilize funds for expanding and maintaining social services. However, due to limited revenue collection from poor citizens the resource envelopes at the district is ever overwhelmed by public demand. Without support from charity organizations communities especially rural villages continue to miss basic social services.
When the people of Bukamba were informed about the chance to participate in the Community Funded Well Program, they were very excited. They have been able to raise $700 as a down payment, and work is set to start.