Lusanja is a Village in Kasawo Subcounty, Mukono District. The community has about 100 households (1,000 people) and 2 schools. All these households and schools depend on water collected from surface ponds in swamps. This water is always contaminated and unsafe. Worse still, people often have to walk approximately 3km to reach this water.
With so much belief in human sacrifice in this village, children are targeted and kidnapped as they walk to the swamps to collect water. Such an unfortunate incidence happened a few years ago when a 7 year old pupil at Lusanja Community School was kidnapped as he walked to the swamp to collect water. It was later discovered that the young boy was a victim of human sacrifice. Since this incidence, the school has been searching for an opportunity to have a water source on the school compound.
Having heard about the Community Funded Well Program, the school administration and community invited us(Suubi) for a training. They were very motivated and determined, and managed to quickly collect their down payment. A suitable site has been selected and our team will be out drilling there soon. We hope to be able to provide water; clean water, to this school and community, and hopefully save a child that would have been kidnapped and sacrificed as he/she walked in the bushes to collect water.