Peter & Jonath live in Bisya, Uganda, where school attendance is poor

$450 Raised of $4500
118 supporters, 10% sponsored

Peter & Jonath live in Bisya, Uganda, where school attendance is poor

Bisya is a rural and remote community in Buhweju district, western Uganda. Access to safe ,and clean water remains one of the biggest challenges for the community. Without safe water, livelihood remains difficult at household level. The effects of using dirty and unsafe water cut across to affect household incomes, close off opportunities and create a vicious cycle of poverty. Enrollment levels, student retention and the academic performance at the only school in the community is affected . With more than 150 households,  the majority of the people are peasants, doing subsistence farming by growing bananas, millet and beans.

Children from Bisya Primary school have to walk 3kms, miss their break time, and miss some lessons to come to this water source, even though the water is not safe and clean for them to use.

Peter and Jonath are neighbors and friends, and they both go to the same class and school. Often they miss school because they delay at the well where they walk together to collect water for their homes. The only time they have to play and have fun is while they walk to the well.



Clean Water= Education