One well for 2 villages in Ngoma, Uganda, is not enough

$4517 Raised of $4500
152 supporters, 100% sponsored

One well for 2 villages in Ngoma, Uganda, is not enough

Ngoma is a rural, hard to reach community in Nakaseke district. The village has approximately 100 households, the majority engaged in subsistence farming.  The village happens to be struggling with very poor service provision. Access to safe and clean water being the main challenge.  People have to walk very long distances to get to a nearby borehole. However, the borehole has continued to be a source of conflict between the 2 villages. It breaks down now and then because of overuse.

Children are often absent from school just to go out to collect water for their families.

Water borne illnesses have kept the community in poverty, since the little earnings that families  make are spent on medical bills.

Some of the children from the school in the village often miss lessons in order to go out and bring some water to the kitchen. However, as you can see in the photo, the water is very dirty.

Kids are missing school due to the long walk