Nteete Community is a Village located in Nagalama Subcounty, Mukono district, Uganda. The Community has about 150 families with approx. 700 people. The community gets all its water from surface ponds that are located in swamps about 2km (over 1 mile) away from their homes.
The community has Nteete Primary school with an enrolment of 402 children. The school children too have to walk the long distance to the swamps to collect the dirty water, and this takes away from their playtime and school time.
Mr. Maka Charles, the Head Teacher says, ‘’ Our learners waste much time looking for water instead of attending classes. This affects their performance. But also stomach illnesses are much in this school and this is because of the dirty water that we use.”
The school and 53 families were able to work together and collect a down payment. The site has been surveyed and found appropriate for drilling.