Kyetume Nazigo is a rural and remote village in Kayunga district Uganda. The village has a population of approximately 1,500 people in 160 households.
The majority of the people in the village are peasants who engage in subsistence farming, growing mainly Pineapples, Maize, Sweet Potatoes and Casava.
Promise is seen here washing her clothes and other family members (pictured). She will need to make 3 trips to the pond that is 3km away. For each trip, she needs at least an hour and half. This activity is just hectic enough to keep her busy and tired all day so she had to drop out of school.
With 1 school in the village, children are always moving into the swamps to collect water that is needed at school and in their homes. Many children, especially girls, have dropped out of school because of the hectic labor associated to collection of water.
Evas collecting water from the nearest water pond (pictured). The water is just very unsafe for human consumption, but its all they have.
The community got to know about the Community Funded well 1 years ago. They have since expressed interest to have a well drilled in their village, but they needed time to raise the required down payment. They are now ready.