Kama Kaganjo is a suburban community in Kasawo subcounty, at the boarder of Kayunga district. The village has about 120 households with a population of approximately 600 people. The majority of the population are subsistence farmers, growing mainly sweet potato and or sugarcane outgrowers. Women engage in food vending by the roadside taking advantage of the highway that passes through the village.
Access to safe and clean water is a major challenge in this village because the nearest source of clean water is more than 4KM away. The majority of the people collect water from surface ponds that are a little closer to their homes. But these ponds are unprotected and the water is dirty and unsafe. The method of collection of this water is very risky for children, yet they are responsible for bringing the water to their homes. They are always at risk of falling and drowning in these deep ponds.
In most cases the children have to cross a busy highway road to collect water from the other side. This is dangerous and on many occasions kids have been knocked by the speeding cars.
Juliet runs a food stall. she needs water to make some of the food she sells, and she is always worried that her children will drown in the pond. She will be responsible for selling the water until the community loan is paid up.