Green Hill School, Bamusuta Uganda

$3,900 Raised of $3,900
2 supporters, 100% sponsored

Green Hill School, Bamusuta Uganda

GREEN HILL JUNIOR SCHOOL is found in Bamusuta B Village, Nabbaale sub-county Mukono district. It’s a
rural community school that was started by parents in this area to facilitate education for their children.
Currently, the school had 268 leaners of ages 5 to 14 years.
The school had many challenges, but luck of safe water has been major. Children often missed lessons to
go and collect water from streams. They would walk an average of 3km to reach these water sources,
and the water was dirty and contaminated.
The school administration got to know about the Community Funded Well Program and expressed their
interest. We trained them and they committed to participate and play their part, in an effort to have
safe water and close to the school.

Help students stay in school