Kabawala village is a rural community located in Nabaale Subcounty, Mukono dictrict Uganda. The village has approximately 200 households and a population of 1,200 people.
The nearest source of clean water for this village is a borehole located at a community school; however the borehole has increasingly become a source of conflict between the school and the community. This is because the borehole breaks down so often because of the big demand and overuse. For a couple of years, the school has denied the community access to the borehole. People have to walk long distances to collect water from swamps. In the swamps, the water is collected from surface ponds that are very contaminated and dirty.
Kabawala Village requested for support from Suubi Community Projects Uganda, but for all these years we were unable to serve them because of the too many requests we have and limited funding.
When the village leaders heard about the WHOlives-Suubi Community Funded Well Program, they visited our office and expressed their interest.
This village has been able to make a payment for their first loan installment before the work starts. This describes how determined they are to participate in the process of creating a long term solution to their water challenges.
We are honored to partner with Suubi Community Projects to bring clean water to this community. Your support will enable us to drill a borehole and provide clean water to those in desperate need.