Arise & Shine Junior school is a community school located in Makurubita Village, Luweero District, Uganda. The school currently has close to 300 children, while the village has more than 150 households.
The nearest source of water for the school and community is a surface pond located about 2km away in a swamp. The water in the pond is dirty and not good for human consumption, but it’s all they have. The nearest source of clean water is a borehole located 5km away.
The school and community heard about our Community Funded Well Program while we were drilling at a nearby village. They asked us to come and immediately start the program in their community as well. WHOlives then asked our drilling partner SUUBI Community Projects Uganda to drill the well. We are please to announce this well was completed in March in 2022.
This clean water well will have a huge impact on this beautiful community. Please help us pay it forward by donation to this project. We will use your donation in support of our next community funded project.