Nambale is a rural community located in Kyampisi subcounty, Mukono District, Uganda. The village has approximately 120 households with a population of slightly more than 1,000 people.
Access to safe water remains a big challenge for this village, just like for many rural areas of Uganda. Most residents fetch water from seasonal streams which are shared with animals. During the dry season, streams dry up and the only way people can access water is by digging holes within the stream. The exercise is so hectic in a way that after digging the hole, you have to wait for an hour or two for water to fill then you can fetch it and climb upstream with heavy jerry cans.
Residents of Nambale Village learned about the Community Funded Well Program became interested in participating. Training has been carried out. Up to 90 households were reached and sensitized about the program in order to improve on success of the program by making sure that the beneficiaries are paying back their loans.
An appropriate drilling location has been sited and work is ready to start.