Building safe havens: Your donations are transforming lives and bringing hope to survivors

August 12, 2024

Discover our new book by WHOlives founder John Renouard.

At WHOlives, our mission transcends the provision of clean water. Our vision is to forge sustainable, thriving communities for the most neglected and vulnerable.

This year, we proudly highlight our transformative work at one of our rescue centers—a sanctuary for girls escaping or surviving gender-based violence (GBV) such as female genital mutilation (FGM).

Your generous funding and unwavering support have enabled significant improvements at the center, profoundly impacting the lives of these young women and standing as a beacon of hope to the world. Together, we are not just changing lives. We are inspiring a global movement for justice and empowerment.

Rescue center near Migori, Kenya

Creating a Safe and Nurturing Environment

One of our most vital projects at the rescue center in Kenya has been the construction of a 10-foot security wall. Many of our girls are still hiding from their would-be abusers.

Security wall at rescue center

Gate of security fence at rescue centerThis powerful addition has turned the center into a secure sanctuary, empowering the girls to engage in educational and recreational activities without fear.

The wall stands as a shield, protecting them from recognition, harassment, and verbal abuse from misguided individuals while restoring their sense of safety and dignity. This fortress of hope is a testament to our unwavering commitment to their well-being now and in the future.

Empowering Through Sustainable Initiatives

Beyond enhancing security, we are empowering the girls through impactful and sustainable initiatives. Our signature program, “One Skill,” is designed to teach every woman and girl a marketable skill. This is crucial for giving them the confidence to escape their abusers, knowing they can find employment in another town. Without a marketable skill, too often, their only alternative is to sell their bodies.

At our rescue center, we have launched a new chicken business. This initiative provides a source of food, a marketable skill, and an income-generating opportunity for the center—a triple win!

Chicks at rescue center

Additionally, we’ve introduced agriculture through our amazing garden towers and vertical gardening training. These proven methods are now a source of fresh produce, contributing to the girls’ nutrition and offering another avenue for learning valuable skills and generating income.

Water is the cornerstone of almost every endeavor. We’ve completed a well and brought in electricity for the first time. This vital infrastructure provides clean water, supports essential hygiene, and fuels development projects and economic endeavors.

Join us in this mission to change lives and equip these young women with the skills and confidence they need to thrive.

Long-Term Impact and Community Engagement

The improvements at the rescue center are far from temporary fixes. They are strategic steps toward fostering self-reliance and community ownership. By actively involving the community in the planning and implementation phases, and by requiring the repayment of a portion of the investment through interest-free loans, we instill a deep sense of responsibility and pride.

Mattresses for rescue centerThis approach not only empowers individuals but also creates a culture of accountability and sustainability. It discourages dependency and ensures that these projects have a lasting impact, promoting long-term growth and stability. Join us in revitalizing these communities from within, paving the way for a brighter, self-sufficient future.

A Future Filled with Hope

The impact of our initiatives is undeniable. The girls now enjoy access to clean water, food security, and a safe, nurturing environment. They are learning valuable skills, building confidence, and glimpsing the possibilities of a brighter future. This project has become a beacon of hope, not only for the girls at the center but for the entire community, demonstrating the immense potential of comprehensive, community-driven development.

John Renouard headshotWhen you purchase our new book by WHOlives founder John Renouard, you will not only read a survivor’s powerful story but also witness how necessary our center is.  We need to be shining a bright light on their remarkable experiences in order to drive permanent change. 

At WHOlives, we are unwavering in our commitment to expanding these life-changing efforts. With continued support, we can extend our reach to even more communities in need. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners, donors, and supporters for their invaluable contributions. Together, we are making a profound difference in the lives of these young women and are excited to share more success stories from our ongoing projects. Join us in this mission to empower and transform communities.

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