Kawoko is an urban slum community in Wakiso district, on the outskirts of Kampala city. It’s a residential area for many low income earners who are employed in the city.
Tthe majority of its 2,000 people don’t access water from the National Water pipeline, but from unsafe sources they have created in nearby swamps. Unfortunately, much of the sewage from nearby homes that use flushing toilets soak into this swamp. The swamps are also used as dumping sites for all kinds of waste from the nearby rich homes. People collecting water from surface ponds in these swamps are collecting extremely unsafe water. No wonder there is always an outbreak of diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea and many others.
Witnesses for Children international ( WCi) is a small local community organization working to help children in this community. They receive disadvantaged children at their centre and train them in some important life skills. However, the center does not have any source of clean water either.
The project proposal is to drill and construct an electric powered water system at this children’s center. A staff at the center will be responsible to sell/vend the water to the community members and the funds pooled together to pay back the loan.
Once the loan is fully paid, the water system shall become a property of the children’s center, but benefiting the general Kawoko community.