Kabiri, Burundi, where seventeen cents for water is not affordable

$5000 Raised of $5000
1 supporters, 100% sponsored

Kabiri, Burundi, where seventeen cents for water is not affordable

Kabiri, Buringa, is a populated locality located in Bubanza District, Kenya. There are around 1,500 Households in this community. There are a few boreholes with hand pumps but because of the high density of the population, people need to pay 500bif (17 cents) for a 20 liter bucket. Because the cost is so high, people continue to fetch their water from the river.

The population is composed of former refugees and displaced people who have been affected by the 15 years of war in Burundi and are already in a vulnerable condition. Every year, there is a crisis of Cholera and people are suffering from many other water and hand-borne diseases.

Swire Water is funding boreholes in Burundi.  Thank you for your support!