Empower young women.

Next time you give, would you think of them?


Clean water for all


Child marriages never again

Utah governor highlights WHOlives, encouraging charitable giving

Watch the video with Utah Gov. Spencer Cox shedding light on WHOlives and the Village Drill, credited with creating more than 13,000 water wells across 40 nations.

“This technology is bringing clean water to people in developing countries for the first time in their lives,” the governor said. “Let’s do all we can to help amplify their impact.”

WHOlives honored again after 14,000 wells

.ORG Impact Award celebrates innovation

The people behind .ORG recognized WHOlives with a win in the Hunger and Poverty category at their awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. Our organization was selected from almost 1,000 applications from more than 70 countries. | Read more

At WHOlives, we drive innovation. Our Village Drill technology has been adopted by nonprofit organizations and entrepreneurs all over the world. Just look at the impact!

Wells Drilled

People Helped

Countries Served

Girls Rescued

The Village Drill is our solution to the world’s water crisis.


Human-powered and portable


Reaches remote villages at just 25% of the cost

A Dream for Clean Water

Our founder, John Renouard, is horrified that even today, African girls are walking long distances to fetch water that you wouldn’t let your dog drink.

His vision for a human-powered drill that could access water hundreds of feet deep is now helping millions of people.

We don’t treat symptoms. We solve problems.

Which of our four pillars speaks to you?

Help Villages Buy Their Own Wells

Provide interest-free loans to communities
Promote self-reliance, not dependency

Encourage pride and longevity through community ownership

Start New Village Drill Crews

Offer training and support to African entrepreneurs
Create local jobs
Address the lack of clean water in more regions

Invest in Village Vitalization

Expand economic opportunities
Support chicken farms or sewing shops
Foster independence and start to end systemic poverty

Empower Survivors and End FGM

Deploy innovative solutions having a real impact on ending child marriages
Keep girls in school
Create safe spaces to ensure justice

Let’s end child marriages and FGM.

WHOlives is helping girls escape ‘The Cut’

Did you know there’s a “cutting season” in Kenya? It’s a horrifying time for girls, some as young as 9 years old, in which their genitals are cut for no reason.

Next, they’re often sold and forced to marry older men.

Our nonprofit is on the frontlines of eradicating female genital mutilation (FGM). Here’s how:
Equipping police to hold perpetrators accountable
Supporting girls in testifying against their abusers
Delivering emergency supplies to rescue centers
Read how common-sense solutions are combating FGM

Travel with WHOlives

Work, Serve, Learn, Play

Immerse yourself in another culture for an unforgettable experience. We have an exclusive opportunity to introduce you to the wonderful daily lives in the villages where we have personal connections.

Discover joy in African villages
Dive into service projects
Experience lions, elephants & more up close on safari


Improving lives by deploying our invention that provides a lifetime of clean water.


Advancing women by ending child marriages and FGM.


Creating sustainable business ownership and jobs for communities in need.