Elevate Women

Our goal is to create a platform that can be copied and implemented all over the world.

Girls Rescued

Meals Served

Arrests Made

Every 11 Seconds, Somewhere in the World a Girl Suffers Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
In Migori Kenya 84% of girls and women suffer this brutal, open cut that removes their clitoris without antiseptic, anesthesia, or stitches.  As you can imagine, many of these girls die from blood loss and many more suffer and die from infection.

As cruel as it sounds, this barbarous practice is in preparation for the families to sell these young girls, typically 9-14 years old, to an old man as lifetime prisoner used for labor and sex.  I wish there was a gentler way to describe this inhumane practice, but unfortunately there is not. Locals try to misguide outsiders by calling the practice of cutting a “circumcision” and the selling of their daughters as “Brides” but this crime by any name is atrocious.

It goes without saying this heartless practice robs these innocent girls of any ambition or dreams they may have had and condemns them to a life of terror with unspeakable long-term health and psychological damage.

What We’re Doing About It

WHOlives exists to provide Water, Health and Opportunity to women, girls, and communities all over the world, so these atrocities demand our attention.  We have a plan, and we are already taking action from a holistic approach that takes into account both the root cause and the big picture. From rescue to prevention.

Our action starting in 2022 is making a huge impact. We’ve provide a safe place for 1700+ girls who were able to run to our safe homes and police stations to escape from being cut.

We supported the police in making dozens of arrests and supporting girls through the process of prosecuting their abusers.

These rescues were not in our budget, and we are therefore asking anyone who would like to help these girls to please pitch in. We hope to engage a much larger region in the next cutting season as funds become available.

Our goal is to document our success and create a platform that can be copied and implemented all over the world to finally bring this practice to an end worldwide.